Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month 2023

This is a time for us to raise awareness about the inclusion of people with developmental disabilities in all areas of community life, as well as awareness to the barriers that people with disabilities still sometimes face in connecting to the town in which they live.

This month reminds us that we’re all part of a broad spectrum of intellectual and physical functioning.  It is a chance to be more empathetic and to remind ourselves of the challenges we face in our own lives.

We were able to do our annual Coloring and Essay contest with the local elementary schools in Knox County. There were 1,132 participants, from 111 different classrooms, representing 12 different elementary schools in Knox County. (a blog post with pictures will be posted by the end of the month!)

Park National Bank generously donated a billboard space on Rt. 13 to spotlight our Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month billboard artwork. 

A local Cub Scout troop out of Apple Valley is going to be volunteering at our Special Olympics Basketball Competition in Bladensburg on March 23rd.  This will help them learn about all different abilities and achieve their Disabilities Awareness Belt Loop badge.

We were also able to host our annual Luncheon on March 8th where we were able to give out awards to 7 different people for their dedication, determination, and willingness to make Knox County a wonderful place for everyone to live, work and thrive.  One of our board members, Korey Kidwell donated 15 copies of the book “We Move Together” to hand out at the luncheon. In addition to giving out awards, we had a community panel of different people and organizations that are working to make Knox County a more inclusive community for everyone. The panel was made up of Noelle Jordan, Brown Family Environmental Center, Chief Scott Mast and Brad Porter, Fredericktown Community Fire District Station 410, Bill Hanna, Ver-Mac Industries and Jocelyn Gilardi, local advocate.

  • Dedication Award: Tassi Rine (Caregiver A Step Up) & Cherish Bell (New Hope Industries)

  • Local Hero Award: HopeNow Furniture Bank of Knox County

  • Community Partner: Fredericktown Fire District Station 410

  • Employer Award: Licking/Knox Goodwill Industries, Inc.

  • Individual Spotlight: Diane Adkins & Brad Porter

2023 Award Winners. Pictured Left to Right: Lee Rhoads, Community Partner Award, HopeNow Furniture Bank of Knox County; Chief Scott Mast, Local Hero, Fredericktown Community Fire District Station 410; Brad Porter, Individual Spotlight; Diane Adkins, Individual Spotlight; Tassi Rine, Dedication, A Step Up Caregiver Homes. Not Pictured: Olivia VanDyke, Employer Award, Licking/Knox Goodwill Industries, Inc. and Cherish Bell, Dedication, New Hope Industries.

Brittany Coon
Night to Shine 2023

Hundreds of people gathered at the Centerburg Church of Christ on Friday, February 10, 2023 to celebrate the uniqueness of each individual guest by providing an unforgettable night where they are welcomed, valued and loved!

At this event, guests had the opportunity to dance their hearts out, sing karaoke, ride in a limo, get their hair, makeup and nails done and enjoy a wonderful meal together. At the end of the night, each guest was crowned and there was a massive balloon drop!

Thank you to the Centerburg Church of Christ for putting this event together, to all of the volunteers, the limo drivers, photographers, caterers and anyone else that made this event so wonderful!

Resilient Reagan
girl with disability riding horse

Resilient Reagan

Reagan Tokasz is just like any other 16-year-old; she loves Harry Styles, Star Wars, Marvel movies, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, traveling, going to school, and learning new things. 

She was born with a rare genetic condition called partial sclerocornea, a congenital anomaly of the eye in which the cornea blends with whites of her eyes.  She also has cornea plana, which is another congenital condition where her cornea is flattened.  Both eye conditions have caused Reagan to be visually impaired and without depth perception.  Her mother Cheryl Tokasz recalls that when Reagan was about 3 months old, she got her first pair of glasses and as soon as they put them on her, she immediately smiled because she could see! 

Cheryl and her husband Jeff have done everything they can to help Reagan live a normal life, regardless of her diagnosis.  Throughout her childhood she participated in different sports and activities, but Reagan struggled at times because of her vision issues and other developmental delays.  When Reagan was around 10 years old, her Physical Therapist Leah Clendening told Cheryl about an equine program that works with people that have disabilities and could be a potential opportunity for Reagan to grow her skills.  Reagan then enrolled with the Knox County Board of Developmental Disabilities (Knox DD) to help get involved in the Shane Center for Therapeutic Horsemanship, as well as other opportunities that wouldn’t have been an option without the assistance from Knox DD.

The Shane Center for Therapeutic Horsemanship is a state-of-the-art therapeutic equestrian facility that provides an opportunity for people with developmental disabilities a chance to learn about horse safety skills, caring for the animals and how to safely handle the horses.  Their programs establish short and long-term goals to ensure each participant receives a fulfilling experience tailored to their needs.  When Reagan first started this program, she needed a volunteer on each side of her and a horse handler to lead the horse through the arena.  Now when you watch her, she can ride during her sessions all by herself!  They currently have 7 different horses that they use for their lessons, one of which is Maggie.  Maggie is a sweet 20-year-old Haflinger that has a lifetime of experience as a show horse.  Reagan and Maggie have developed a beautiful bond as Reagan has improved her skills.  Reagan says that “Maggie is a very sweet girl!  She likes cuddles and is easy to ride.”

Each session, Reagan must start with grooming Maggie by brushing her and using the hoof pick to ensure Maggie is clean and ready for the lesson.  Reagan then takes Maggie for a walk around the arena, then puts her bridle, reins, saddle pad and saddle on.  Once Maggie is ready, Reagan has assistance getting on and getting her stirrups adjusted.  Reagan and Maggie trot around the arena like they are pros.

Since Reagan has been doing equine therapy, she has increased muscle strength, balance, posture, focus and better trunk control.  She has been able to have fun, have meaningful friendships, and learn responsibility through this program. 

While Reagan has made wonderful progress with her equine therapy, she was regressing in some other areas of her life.  Her parents suspected that her increasing developmental delays were caused by something more than her low vision and they knew that she needed further testing to determine the cause.  When she was 11 years old, she had an MRI and genetic testing done which led to a central nervous system disorder diagnosis which is progressive in nature.  Since receiving this diagnosis, her family has taken on a new philosophy in life: to make today the best it can be.  They do everything in their power to ensure Reagan is as healthy and happy as she possibly can be.  They take her to the hockey games, Disney World, vacations, equine therapy, and anything else that she shows an interest in, they do their best to make it a reality. 

Cheryl believes that having a core team around her family has been crucial to helping Reagan live the best life she can.  She said, “Reagan started receiving services at 3 months old from Help Me Grow, then moved on to preschool at New Hope, and she is now a sophomore at East Knox. I know that we couldn’t have gotten better care or a better team of people to support and encourage Reagan anywhere else.  She was never a number.  We have always felt so cared for in Knox County.  Everyone on her team seems so invested in her and in our family.  A lot of the people that were with us at the start of this journey have stayed connected to Reagan and our family through her entire life.  With equine therapy, they will do everything they can to accommodate your child to make them safe.  Knox DD is there to help provide things that we would have struggled to provide on our own.  It was priceless to be able to offer Reagan that opportunity.”

Cheryl then said, “We live life for now. Today may be our day of greatest health and I do not want us to waste today worrying about tomorrow.  We find opportunities that can both fulfill us physically and emotionally and give us a sense of accomplishment. Part of wanting to give Reagan everything means that we also want to give her a chance to grow, learn, and succeed. You want your child to have what we all desire, whether they have special needs or not. We want her to feel the joy that comes with doing something that she has succeeded at, something she is getting better at, that is making her stronger.  It’s important to give your child those opportunities.  Everyone deserves to feel that sense of accomplishment.  Finding an organization that helps you with that is a gift.”

girl with disability brushing horse
girl with disability brushing horse
hoof picking
girl with disability walking horse
three women putting bridle on a horse
girl with disability clipping bridle on horse
girl with disability mounting a horse
girl with disability riding horse
girl with disability riding horse
girl with disability taking saddle off horse
Brittany Coon
Special Olympics Basketball

On Thursday, December 1st the Knox County Special Olympics skills team hosted the Richland County Bears at Kenyon College. Each athlete played their hearts out and had a wonderful time! They were able to make new friends and show off their impressive skills. Thank you Kenyon College volunteers for helping us make this event possible!

Help Me Grow Fall Festival 2022

On October 14, 2022 the grassy area near the Knox DD/Head Start Building was filled with laughter, activities and fun for the family! Our Help Me Grow and Early Intervention programs put on a family Fall Festival for the community to come together and have a wonderful time!

We had food available from Wheelin’ and Grillin’ and Honeybuckets Food Truck, cotton candy, free pumpkins to decorate that were generously donated, “Bring the Farm to You” petting zoo, The Village Network, Knox Public Health Center, WIC, Cribs for Kids, ESC, Public Library of Mount Vernon & Knox County, Help Me Grow, Early Intervention, Head Start, Ohio Means Jobs, and the Knox County Career Center all available to do fun activities and make memories that will last a lifetime. We also were visited by the Mount Vernon Fire Department!

Brittany Coon
Tom E. Crawford Service Award - Knox County Aktion Club

Aktion Club is the only service club for adults with disabilities, with more than 10,000 members worldwide. Club members become competent, capable, caring leaders through the vehicle of service. Aktion Clubs draw members from various organizations that support individuals with disabilities, as well as other community programs. A Kiwanis club, composed of like-minded, service-oriented people from the community, serves as the club’s sponsor. Aktion Club is supported at the district level and by the Kiwanis International Office in Indianapolis, Indiana, which provides programs, literature and opportunities to relate to individuals with disabilities from countries worldwide.

In Knox County, our local Aktion Club was started in 2008. We have built up this club to have over 25 members who are always looking for ways to give back to our community through service projects, fund raising and more! When COVID hit, we moved into the digital world and held our Aktion Club meetings on Zoom, added virtual book clubs, painting clubs, movie nights and so much more to keep everyone engaged and involved.

On Tuesday, October 11, 2022, the Knox County Aktion Club had several guests; Mr. Alan Penn (Past Kiwanis International President), Mr. Dick Brulotte (Ohio District Kiwanis Aktion Club Chairman), and several Knox County Kiwanis Members joined in the meeting for a very special presentation.

Mr. Alan Penn started his presentation by saying, “It did not surprise me that post pandemic, the Knox County Aktion Club was still going to be doing these amazing things. Every year at the Ohio District Kiwanis Leadership Education Day, the Ohio District Kiwanis seeks out those Aktion Clubs that go above and beyond what normal Aktion Clubs do. Every year we honor one club, as an Aktion Club which has taken service and their activities in the program to a new level.” He went on to describe how the project this year was a challenge to all Aktion Clubs across Ohio to put together something for families that might be facing hard times. He said, “it was basically to gather some items and put them together to provide for a family that might be having some youngster celebrating a birthday that may be not able to afford a birthday cake, birthday surprises, and things like that.  So this was a birthday in a bag project.  These items were put into a bag and given to a local food bank.  Yes, it was a simple project.  While many clubs just collected these items, this club that is getting this award today, The Knox County Aktion Club members took it several steps further.  Members together identified and reached out to a local food bank, it wasn’t the advisor, it was the club members that decided to do that.  They went on to talk with them to find out about doing a joint project to raise awareness of a need and to provide some things for youngsters who are having birthdays.  They planned and organized the drive, and the drive ultimately collected food, paper products, and gift cards for these youngsters.  Members determined what items were needed in the bag, and they decided how to assemble them as a service project.  And the neat thing was, an Aktion Club member delivered the bags in person to the food bank.”

Mr. Dick Brulotte then talked abut the history of the award and how it all came to be. He said, “Tom E. Crawford was an unusual young man. He was in Aktion Club, but he decided that wasn’t enough for him. He said to his mom, I want to be a regular Kiwanian. And so he joined the Kiwanis Club.” He went on to discuss how Tom participated in all the meetings, conferences and helped in any way he could to make his community a wonderful place to live. Tom was the only person who was a former Aktion Club member to become a Kiwanian. He said, “when Tommy passed, we decided to honor Aktion Clubs for your service in the community because he had a servants heart.  I’m here today because I’m representing that club that he was a member of, the All Ohio e-Medina Kiwanis Club, and what we are giving is the Tommy E. Crawford Service of the Year Award to a club that has done a lot and outstanding service for the year.  I’m pleased to present this to your club.”

award with bell and Aktion Club banner
aktion club vice president accepting award
aktion club members accepting award


Max B, Loren T, Heather H, Melissa K, Past International Kiwanis President Alan Penn, Stacy G Aktion Club Vice President, Bethany S , Samantha M Aktion Club Treasurer, Matthew H, Deanna H, John Paul K, Erica F


Carlie S, Judy A Mount Vernon Kiwanis, Dick Brulotte Ohio District Kiwanis Aktion Club Chairman, Steve Oster Superintendent, Al Allender Mount Vernon Kiwanis Treasurer and Wendy Fowler, Mount Vernon Kiwanis President Elect.  

aktion club members standing saying oath
congratulations cake and Aktion Club banner
aktion club vice president and treasurer performing meeting
superintendent addressing aktion club members
Brittany Coon
Direct Support Professional Appreciation Awards

Direct Support Professional (DSP) Appreciation week is September 11-17, 2022. We appreciate everything that DSP’s do every single day to improve the lives of people with developmental disabilities in our community.

KCBDD is excited to announce the winners of our annual Direct Support Professional Appreciation Awards for 2022. Each year we recognize at least three DSP’s right here in Knox County for their hard work, dedication and determination to make the world a better place for everyone. We give out awards in three categories; the “WOW! Award,” which is a person that is warm, outstanding, wonderful and has a way of making lives better for everyone they meet. Our “Rockstar Rookie Award” is a DSP that has been working in that position for less than a year, has gone above and beyond and has made a positive difference. Our “Calm in the Eye of the Storm” award goes to a person who remains calm when things get dicey and always has a way of diffusing the chaos that can sometimes happen.

Our WOW! Award winner for 2022 is Morgan Velliquette. Morgan is an Independent Provider who has changed the life of the gentleman that she supports in a wonderful way. Her nominator said, “Morgan has changed the life for this 71yr. old gentleman. Not only does she care for his personal care needs, but she and her family have embraced him and included him in their family gatherings. On Memorial Day weekend this gentleman went home with the provider and joined her family for a fun filled weekend or riding in a side by side off road vehicle through the mud and on the trails. He had the time of his life. She also was able to locate his mother's grave in Youngstown, Ohio and she has taken him a few times to visit her graveside. This was very meaningful to him.

Our Rockstar Rookie award for 2022 is going to two different DSP’s that have made a wonderful difference in the lives that they have touched; Kelly Lewis (New Hope Industries) and Jasmine Lewis (Gantt Homes) One of Kelly’s nominators said, “Kelly started working at NHI in January of 2022. Kelly is new to this field and put a lot of time and effort into her training. She was originally hired to work in the HPC department with individuals in the community. When we had an unexpected staff departure in the ADS, Kelly willingly stepped up to cover that spot. She has developed a great rapport with the individuals in her area and co-workers. The individuals in her area love her and are always happy to see her when they arrive. Kelly takes turns sitting with a different individual every day for lunch. She has taken a very person-centered approach to her group and knows them well. She is always eager to try new things and visit new places. She also drives a bus for NHI in the afternoons and will pick up a morning route when needed. In her short time with us, she has worked hard to build connections and relationships with everyone and has become a vital part of our days here at NHI. We appreciate her willingness to do whatever is asked and her dedication to the people that we serve!” Jasmine was nominated several times and her nominators said “Jasmine is a wonderful hard-working star employee. She goes above and beyond and makes those we support feel like they are part of a family. She never stops working, she strives for excellence in all that she does, she goes above and beyond all expectations. All the individuals we support as well as her coworkers adore her drive and dedication. Jasmine’s positive outlook, strong determination and drive is a quality that is hard to find when faced with challenging situations. I am so proud of her. The sky is the limit for Jasmine, and we are blessed to have her on our team!”

Our Calm in the Eye of the Storm award winner for 2022 is Bev Roscoe. Bev is an Independent Provider who works with several people in our program. One of her nominators said, “Bev has been working with the individual she supports for over three years. Bev has become so important to him, and she has amazed me on what she is willing to do on her own time & dime for the person she supports. To give his aging mother a break, she started taking him to her home a couple nights each week - which he LOVES! She created a bedroom for him (purchasing the hospital bed he needs), a lift for their non-accessible tub that gently lowers him into his bubble bath (which he REALLY loves!) - all out of her own personal funds! Bev and her husband love him like he's family & he loves them right back. “

Brittany Coon
Honorary Firefighter, Brad Porter
man in firefighter uniform standing in front of fire engine

Brad Porter

Honorary Firefighter

In the morning on July 9th, many members of the Fredericktown community came together to celebrate and honor Brad Porter.  Brad is a Fredericktown native; he is known by almost everyone and loves to be involved in anything that’s going on in Fredericktown!  Once he arrived, his dad pinned his new name tag onto his uniform.

Brad loves to go to the Homestead Restaurant, owned by Theresa and Frank, and they have welcomed into their establishment with open arms.  While he’s there, he greets everyone that comes in and talks to anyone about their lives, and he shares what he’s been up to as well.  Through many conversations with members of the Fredericktown Fire Department , Chief Scott Mast said, “You know how Brad is – he’s always asking you how you’re doing, what’s going on, that sort of thing.  He knows I’m with the Fire Department so he’s always asking what’s going on with the Fire Department.  Just one day the lightbulb went off and I knew this was what we were going to do.” If you want to watch the clip of Chief Mast telling Brad about this honor please click HERE. 

Aside from talking to anyone he meets, Brad absolutely loves Elvis!  Elvis’ long-lost brother was the Emcee of the ceremony and even sang a few songs.  Before the official ceremony began, he said “I’ve had the privilege of entertaining for Brad’s birthday for the last 5 years – right Brad? And I’ll tell you, and I think Scott’s going to mention it today too, can you imagine if the whole world was filled with Brads?  It’d be a better place to live, that’s for sure!”

Once the ceremony officially started, Mr. Gary McCutcheon escorted Brad as well as all the other Fredericktown Fire Fighters into the ceremony playing bagpipes, which is an important part of the history and tradition of fire service.

Chief Scott Mast started the presentation by explaining how special it is to become an honorary fire fighter, as they have only had one other in their history.  He said, “Everyone knows Brad is a tremendous ambassador for our community.  We know he is going to be a tremendous ambassador for us also.  That’s the quality of a person we want involved in our Fire Department and Brad definitely fits the role for that.”  He went on to talk about how his family is very proud of the person that he has become, and then said, “not only is your real family proud of you, but now your Fire Department Family is proud of you also and we are honored to call you our honorary fire fighter brother from now on.”

Following this speech, a prayer was led by Pastor Bailey, then the Star Spangled Banner was played and everyone did the Pledge of Allegiance.  Elvis’ long-lost brother then picked back up and did a quick interview with Brad in which he said, “I’m thankful to have this family.  And I’m proud of that” He is most looking forward to, “putting out fires!” and he’s not so excited to “wash the truck!”  Then Elvis, Brad and the female fire fighters all performed “Burning Love”.  Elvis then honored all the veterans that were present.

After all the performances were done, Brad was joined by his parents in doing the oath and receiving his badge.  Chief Mast said, “You have one more job today – you need to put out a fire!” Brad geared up with his helmet and personalized jacket, loaded up into the fire truck with his fellow fire fighters and together they quickly put out a fire.  “It’s official – Brad put out his first fire! What Brad doesn’t know, is there is another tradition in fire service, after putting out your first fire.  Do you know what that is?  You have to buy ice cream for everyone!”

Brad said, “Thank you to everyone for coming and for being a part of my life.  I appreciate every one of you”

Brad excitedly took pictures in his new uniform with his family and friends.  He was so proud to hang up his helmet and jacket in his own locker at the Fredericktown Community Fire Department.


Thank you to everyone who came out to support Brad and his family during this wonderful event!  Also thank you to NBC4i for doing a wonderful segment, that can be found HERE.

two men looking at name tag for fire fighter
three men putting a badge onto an honorary fire fighter
father putting name badge onto sons shirt
two male firefighters smiling
firefighter smiling with a woman
brad porters new uniform helmet and jacket
outside of the fredericktown fire house
elvis and bagpiper smiling together
elvis hugging brad
elvis starting the ceremony
brad smiling talking to guests
brad showing off his new locker
brad showing off his locker
guests watching the ceremony
chief mast and elvis starting presentation
chief mast talking into microphone
fire fighters led into ceremony by bagpiper
chief mast presenting
brad and elvis talking into mic
brad and elvis performing burning love
all performers doing burning love
brad dancing with theresa from homestead restaurant
everyone at the ceremony
brad and elvis
brad and elvis
elvis holding up Brads hand
brad sitting down with his family
brad and his parents doing the oath with chief mast
brad shaking chief masts hand
brad standing with his parents after the oath and pinning
brads dad pinning badge onto his shirt
brad opening gifts
brad with new jacket
elvis holding mic while brad reads card
bag piper
chief mast helping brad into uniform
brad getting ready with fellow fire fighters
brad getting into fire truck
everyone gathered to watch brad put out his first fire
fire fighters starting the fire
brad in fire truck rounding corner
fire truck
fire fighters getting out of truck
brad approaching fire with hose
brad approaching fire with hose
fire fighters in position to put out fire
brad putting out fire
brad putting out fire
brad putting out fire
everyone cheering for brad after he put out fire
brad hanging out with fellow fire fighters
brad and chief mast approaching the crowd
chief mast and brad talking to crowd
brad and chief mast talking to crowd
Brad and chief mast
Brad smiling with Frank and Theresa
brad smiling with a man and woman
brad smiling with woman
brad in uniform in front of fire engine
brad smiling in front of fire engine
brad taking helmet off to put in locker
brad putting helmet in locker
brad hanging up jacket in locker
brad hanging up jacket in locker
Brittany Coon
Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month

In 1987, President Ronald Reagan declared the month of March as Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month making 2022 the 35th anniversary.

This is a time for us to raise awareness about the inclusion of people with developmental disabilities in all areas of community life, as well as awareness to the barriers that people with disabilities still sometimes face in connecting to the town in which they live.

This month reminds us that we’re all part of a broad spectrum of intellectual and physical functioning.  It is a chance to be more empathetic and to remind ourselves of the challenges we face in our own lives.

This month in Knox, we were able to celebrate by going to the city council meetings for Mount Vernon, Fredericktown, Centerburg, Gambier and Danville to do a Proclamation declaring this month as Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month.

We also were able to do our annual Coloring and Essay contest with the local elementary schools in Knox County. To check out more photos, please check out our other blog post HERE.

Paragraphs Bookstore read four different books to the preschool classrooms at Head Start on March 15th. Christy came and read "Strictly No Elephants," "You Are Enough," "When Charley Met Emma," and "My City Speaks" to the children and they absolutely loved the books!

The Centerburg Library and the Public Library of Mount Vernon and Knox County developed some wonderful programs and displays to celebrate DD Month as well! The Public Library of Mount Vernon and Knox County did virtual story times weekly during the month to ensure any child could participate if they wanted to.

We were also able to host a small, scaled down version of our annual Luncheon where we were able to give out awards to 6 different people for their dedication, determination and willingness to make Knox County a wonderful place for everyone to live, work and thrive.

  • Dedication Award: Allyn Frye & Sally Myers (Gantt Homes)

  • Local Hero Award: Anna Frazier (Independent Provider)

  • Community Partner: Dr. Amy Teleron-Khorshad, American Health Network

  • Employer Award: Ajodhya Dining Concepts (Half Baked Café, Georgetown Caribbean BBQ, Cindy’s Pierogis)

  • Individual Spotlight: Meralyse Dessert & Ben Frazier

Blake B. and Mayor Mazzari of Danville

man reading a document

Mayor Sands of Centerburg reading our DD Month Proclamation

group of people showing off proclamation in Gambier ohio

Harper J., her mom and the city council of Gambier, OH.

group of people holding a poster

Brad P. with the Village of Fredericktown city council

group of children in a grassy area

2022 Coloring Contest Winners: (left to right) Olivia, Charlotte, Kenzie, Bailey, Brice, Riley, Gianna, Alaina, Jacob, Paxton

group of children standing in a grassy area

2022 Essay Contest Winners: (left to right) Hallie, Carolyn, Reagan, Jesse, Aiden, Emma, Owen, Graceon, Hailey, Hadlie, Hadley

group of people holding awards
man and woman holing awards
two women holding awards
Brittany Coon
Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month Coloring & Essay Contest

March is Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month and that gave the Knox County community a great opportunity to create awareness, to learn more about inclusion and to share in the stories of individuals who live, work and thrive in our county.   While the Knox County Board of DD and its various provider agency partners are active year round in providing service and supports for those with developmental disabilities, March is a particularly fun time for us to highlight the important roles that individuals with developmental disabilities have within the fabric of our great community. 

The Knox County Board of Developmental Disabilities would like to thank the elementary school students of Knox County for helping us celebrate.  There were one thousand two hundred and eight-one students who participated in our annual coloring (K-2nd grades) and essay (3rd-5th grades) contest with one hundred and sixteen classrooms participating county-wide, representing twelve different elementary schools in Knox County. 

We are proud to announce the winners of this year’s coloring contest (K-2nd grades): Olivia Beeman (Fredericktown), Rylei Morton (East Knox), Brice Hord (Columbia), Kenzie James (Pleasant St.), Paxton Potter (East), Gianna Hinkens (Danville), Avery Thomas (Knox Learning Center), Charlotte Miller (7th Day Adventist), Jacob Vance (Dan Emmett), Brooklyn Waers (Twin Oak), Bailey Higgins (Centerburg) and Alaina Reiss (Wiggin St.).  The winners of this year’s essay contest (3rd-5th grades) were: Hadlie Kerr (Fredericktown), Haley Page (East Knox), Reagan Cline (Columbia), Adin Dice (Knox Learning Center), Owen Burgess (Pleasant St.),  Caroline Vonck (East), Emma Payne (Danville), Matayia Ammons (7th Day Adventist), Jesse Row (Dan Emmett), Hallie Snow (Twin Oak), Gracelyn Davis (Centerburg) and Hadley Curry (Wiggin St.).  Also congratulations to Ms. Brooke Markle from Danville Elementary for winning the teacher classroom prize this year.

group of children standing in a grassy area

2022 Coloring Contest Winners: (left to right) Olivia Beeman, Charlotte Miller, Kenzie James, Bailey Higgins, Brice Hord, Rylei Morton, Gianna Hinkens, Alaina Reiss, Jacob Vance, & Paxton Potter

group of children standing in a grassy area

2022 Essay Contest Winners: (left to right) Hallie Snow, Caroline Vonck, Reagan Cline, Jesse Row, Adin Dice, Emma Payne, Owen Burgess, Gracelyn Davis, Haley Page, Hadlie Kerr, & Hadley Curry

display of coloring and essay pages at MVNU

display of coloring and essay pages at MVNU

Brittany Coon