Health & Safety Reporting

Major Unusual Incidents


Community Members

In the event that you become aware of a situation that negatively affects the health and safety of someone with a developmental disability please notify the Service and Support Administrator who is on call 24/7 at 740-501-4592.  The SSA on-call will assist you in gathering the important information and will follow-up as appropriate based on the situation. 


Individuals Receiving Services

Please contact your assigned SSA for any concerns you have.  Make sure to leave a message if you do not reach them on your first attempt and they will call you back to assist.  If it is after normal business hours and you are handling an emergency that you need assistance with you can contact the SSA on call at 740-501-4592.



If you are a DD provider who is attempting to report a potential Major Unusual Incident, please make sure you: (1) assure the immediate health and safety of the individual, (2) gather all the important facts before calling, (3) call the SSA on call at 740-501-4592, (4) if the SSA on call believes the incident is a MUI please follow up by submitting your full written incident report by noon the next business day to so the MUI can be appropriately filed with DODD.


For any general questions related to Major Unusual Incidents (MUIs) or reporting processes you can contact Andrew Taylor, SSA Director at 740-397-4621.