Special Olympics
To provide year-round sports training and competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities, giving them continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy, and participate in a sharing of gifts, skills, and friendship with their families, other Special Olympics athletes, and the community.
Our Program
Special Olympics in Knox County is a locally run sports program that is overseen by Special Olympics Ohio, National and International organizations. We currently offer athletics (track and field), basketball (skills + team), bocce, bowling, cheerleading, powerlifting, swim, and volleyball.
Special Olympics Knox County Coordinator - Talisha Beha. Phone | Email
Any person eight (8) years of age or older who is identified as having an intellectual disability by an agency or a professional in any given local area is considered eligible for Special Olympics.
Sports Available in Knox County
Knox County Special Olympics currently offers the following sports: Athletics (Track & Field), Basketball (individual skills and team), Bocce, Bowling, Cheerleading, Powerlifting, Swimming, and Volleyball.
Athletes interested in joining a sport must sign-up and submit all required paperwork before they can participate.
By joining a sport, athletes are committing to following our code of conduct, attending practices, games and events, and will have the opportunities to compete in regional and state games.
Program notifications (sign-ups, special events, etc) are shared by email, text, and on our Facebook Page.
Sport-Specific notifications (practice schedule, regional sign-ups, etc) are shared on our SportsYou page.
want to Become an Athlete?
We’d love to have you! Please complete our interest form and we will be in touch!
Athlete Forms & Resources
Please see below links for forms and resources for athletes.
Coaches & Volunteers
Our program wouldn't exist without our team of AMAZING coaches and volunteers!!
We want to ensure that every athlete that participates has the opportunity to learn new skills, have fun, and build lifelong friendships. Help us do that by joining our team as a coach or volunteer!
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer or coach, please reach out to Talisha Beha Phone | Email