
2-1-1 is the number to dial to reach the Crisis Hotline and Information Center in Licking and Knox Counties. Just as you dial 9-1-1 for emergencies, dial 2-1-1 for non-emergency information and referral. Their human service referral database is comprehensive and up-to-date. You do not have to be in crisis to call and their services are free. Their phone operators are highly trained. They treat your call confidentially and help you navigate through the maze of community services in a nonjudgmental manner. 

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Assisted Living Options for Seniors and people with disabilities

There are three levels of assisted living: assisted living communities, independent living communities, and home care. Home care brings assistance with daily living to the home, independent living offers a community with convenient amenities, and assisted living combines a community that offers convenient amenities with support for daily living tasks.

Aktion Club

Aktion Club is a service club for adults with developmental disabilities worldwide.  Please contact Jeanette Carpenter 740-397-4475 or jcarpenter@knoxdd.com to gather more information or to join!

Area Agency on Aging

The Ohio District 5 Area Agency on Aging is responsible for developing a comprehensive and coordinated service system for older individuals residing in Ashland, Crawford, Huron, Knox, Marion, Morrow, Richland, Seneca & Wyandot counties. They are a private, non-profit Agency, designated by the State of Ohio to be a Planning and Service Area (PSA).

The Ohio District 5 Area Agency on Aging is here to help. Please do not hesitate to contact them with any questions or to inquire about your needs. Call (419) 524-4144 or (800) 860-5799.

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Bodies & Minds

BAM! Bodies and Minds workouts is a partnership between MVNU, Knox DD and CCL! We are hosting Zoom workouts and are recording them to put them up on our YouTube Channel for anyone to check out!

Activities will be led by MVNU student-athletes and fun for everyone!

Click Here for more information


The Down Syndrome Association of Central Ohio was incorporated in 1984 with one purpose in mind, to accomplish a mission. That is:

To support families, promote community involvement, and encourage a lifetime of opportunities for people with Down syndrome.

Early Intervention Family Advisory Committee

The Early Intervention Family Advisory Committee is a group of parents in Knox County that share resources and information with each other and the community.

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Easy Eats

Easy Eats is a cooking show that highlights affordable, easy to follow and tasty dishes that anyone can make! If you would like to check out some dishes we have put together, please check out our Easy Eats Page!

knox county family newsletter

Family Engagement Newsletter

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Know Your Knox

Know Your Knox is a newsletter with a list of upcoming events, activities, and classes in Knox County.  New things are scheduled every day so this is not a complete list but can be used as a resource.  Event dates and times are subject to change so please check in with the website provided or the contact person given to confirm details before attending.

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The Knox Substance Abuse Action Team (KSAAT) is comprised of several different committees, all uniting with the common goal to help those either at risk or already involved in substance abuse. But who are these people? They're concerned parents, community leaders, teens, businessmen and women, law enforcement, and local media...

They're anyone and everyone concerned about the impact substance abuse has on our community.

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Ohio Association of County Boards

The Ohio Association of County Boards of DD (OACB) is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization that provides advocacy, communications, professional development, and technical assistance to all 88 of Ohio's county boards of developmental disabilities. Founded in 1984, OACB has evolved along with the needs of its diverse membership. Today, they provide a host of services and supports to the 616 volunteer board members and thousands of career professionals in Ohio's DD service delivery system.

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Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD) is the State of Ohio agency that partners with Ohioans with disabilities to achieve quality employment and independence. They also make determinations on Social Security disability.

OOD does this through three areas:

  • Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation

  • Bureau of Services for the Visually Impaired

  • Division of Disability Determination


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Play And Learn Sensory Library (P.A.L.S.)

The Public Library of Mount Vernon and Knox County has partnered with KCBDD to bring an opportunity for families to check out sensory friendly toys!


Project STIR

Steps Toward Independence and Responsibility

Project STIR is a training program for self-advocated designed to provide individuals with the tools to advocate for themselves, mobilize others in advocacy and gain leadership experiences.

Project STIR includes:

 Knowing Yourself, Communicating Assertively, Problem Solving and Negotiating, Rights and Responsibilities, Self-Advocacy and Self-Determination, Being Part of the Community, Starting a Self Advocacy-Group.

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Provider Guide Plus

In response to many requests from parents, guardians, and individuals over the years, a collaborative work group has developed this on-line tool to be used to review providers of services for people with developmental disabilities in Ohio.

This easy-to-use online tool is called ProviderGuidePlus. It is intended to help people select a provider and help improve overall services.  It allows people to post public reviews on providers’ services and to read others’ reviews.

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People First

People First of Ohio assists people with disabilities who are self-advocates to talk about their needs and rights with people in their communities. Self-advocates make sure that people with disabilities have the right to do what they want in their lives, are responsible for their own choices , and have the right to live and do things in the community like other citizens.

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Special Olympics

The Special Olympics of Ohio provides training opportunities for people with developmental disabilities to train and compete in different sports throughout the year.  To get the most up to date information on sports offered and schedules, please contact Linda Kerr lindak@copper.net or 740-334-8831

We have added a Special Olympics page on our website! Click HERE to check it out.

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Supported Decision-Making

Supported Decision-Making is about people asking for help to make decisions when they need it.  Sometimes formal guardianship is not the answer to every situation.  The Supported Decision-Making process is all about respecting people’s rights to make their own decisions and developing a person-specific plan that might rely on various less-restrictive supports to meet the need.  Supported Decision-Making can work to balance the rights of the person, with their need for support in various life areas and allows for personalization and individual growth.  To learn more information, please go to our SDM page.