We are excited to share that Sign-Ups open today for the following sports:
- Bocce
- Track and Field
- Volleyball (new!)
Deadline to Sign-Up: February 28
To Sign-Up, you must use the online form at the link below. If you have issues with the form or need help completing the form, please contact Talisha.
Sign-Up Link - https://forms.gle/ApYM57EmBEksrWWY8
New Athletes – you must complete and return a New Athlete Packet for your sign-up to be valid.
Deadline to submit your New Athlete Packet (attached) is February 28.
If you are unsure if someone you support is a new or returning athlete or if you have any questions about our sports or Special Olympics, please don’t hesitate to contact me at 330-390-5175 or tbeha@knoxdd.com.